Logo Weiß

Deine tierischen Freude am Bauernhof in Altenmarkt-Zauchensee

Experience unforgettable moments with our animals!

A vacation on Farmhouse in Altenmarkt is a very special experience for you. You can be up close and personal when the chickens lay their eggs, help milk the cows yourself and get to know many other animals. Discover everyday life on the farm, experience exciting adventures and learn how to handle the animals in a playful way. A holiday full of fun, nature and unforgettable experiences is waiting for you!

Unser Kühe
Unsere Hasen
Unsere Ponys
Unsere Kühe
Unser Kühe
Unsere Katze
Unsere Ziegen
Unsere Hasen
Unser Kühe
Unsere Hühner am Bauernhof
Unssere Ziegen
Usere Kühe

Our animal roommates on our farm are happy to see you too!

Our animals are already looking forward to getting to know you and being part of your unforgettable vacation. Whether feeding, petting or simply watching — you will remember the special moments with our animal friends for a long time to come. Experience first-hand what makes life on a farm so unique and take the memories of that wonderful time home with you. We're sure you'll look back with a smile.